Have you ever been in the position where everything seems to be going really well in your life? Where you've just landed a job as the Unit Production Manager AND a Producer on a Major Motion Picture, you're slated to start filming your own movie, Inside Extra, in December and your Pageant Expos have been a huge success? While you're grateful and happy for all the fortune that has come from years of hard work, it's a tiny little bit of juicy, yet petty, gossip that just tickles you so much that all the above listed things makes you completely forget the massive amount of work on your plate while you laugh uncontrollably for hours. It's moments like this that make me realize, no matter how accomplished, FRICK, I just can't escape that I am still a gossipy pageant mom at the core.
Here's the skinny. A former client of mine was spotted getting on the $1 Mega Bus to Toledo a few days ago. No big deal, really - UNLESS - this former client is a holier-than-thou turd who is WAY too good to take public transportation and desperately wants you and the rest of the world to think she is a Mega Super Star living the high life in Los Angeles. Being the petty, gossipy little turkey that I am, I couldn't help but turn around and post said photo on my social media so my friends could join me with a evil "Mwahahaha laugh".
Almost instantly, I started getting messages from people who had NEVER READ MY BOOK and didn't know the back story to the photo. Fortunately for my friends, they knew enough to ask for a link to buy my book, so they could catch up with everyone else and read the story. That's when I decided to make this offer ... HALF OFF DIGITAL/KINDLE COPIES OF "UNLEASHING A MOMSTER" FOR THE NEXT SEVEN DAYS! That's right! For just $4.95, you can become part of the "In" crowd and learn all the details of one SERIOUSLY TAWDRY TALE. Just click any of the Hyperlinks in this paragraph to take advantage of this offer.

So you may be asking yourself, "Why on earth is Heather promoting the crap out of her book in this blog post?" The answer to that question is because I WANT YOU TO JOIN THE SCHADENFREUDE by reading the most scathing tell-all book ever written about the pageant industry. Also, every book that I sell eats the Momster's lunch just a little bit more ... and that makes me incredibly giddy! Mwahahaha.
On a relatively related note, be sure to "Like" my page on Facebook and/or Twitter. I have a bunch of audition information coming up in the very near future!
Until Next Time,
Heather Ryan
The Ultimate Talent Mentor
Find me on IMDb
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