One of the most asked questions I get is, "How do I get my child into acting?" This is the question I am going to focus on for this post, so buckle up, grab your pumpkin latte and read thoroughly.
Movies: Feature length films (more than 80 minutes) and Short Films (less than 80 minutes) are your basic types of movies and are a fantastic way to get involved in acting. I could ramble on for days about the film industry and making movies, but the most important thing you need to know when getting started is about MONEY! Funding is what makes or breaks a movie project!

On the flip side, there are low budget independent films (think "Little Miss Sunshine", "Clerks" or "Paranormal Activity") where the writer and/or producer either fund the project themselves by selling their plasma OR they find funding through friends, family and/or crowd sourcing. To land one of the roles in a low budget independent film, sometimes you just have to submit your headshot, resume and an audition video, OR, sometimes, as an actor, you just have to double as an investor and help fund the project through a crowd sourcing option ( or There are literally thousands of independent projects which use crowd sourcing to fund their project - and one of them is MINE! Yes, that's right, I have a low budget, independent film entitled,
"Inside Extra", currently available for investment on Indie Gogo (Click Here to be part of my magic).
So you may be asking yourself right now, "Why in the heck would I invest $300, $500 or more to get my kid in one of these independent films?". The answer to that is REALLY simple! BECAUSE YOU GET TO WORK ON A FILM AND GET CREDIT! Getting credit and building your resume and IMDb profile (Click here to see my profile) is essential to getting cast in bigger, higher budget projects. PLUS you're helping a filmmaker get their work out into the world - which is a pretty awesome rage-against-the-machine!
Now, if you've read this far, you must know I am going to shamelessly plug my project in this paragraph. "Inside Extra" the movie is a micro-budget short film that will shoot like an "expose" entertainment television shows (think 20/20 or Entertainment Tonight), trying to get a behind the scenes look into the world of child beauty pageants. The movie is complete with faux commercials, all of which are "pageant centric" advertisements for products that we use in the pageant industry. There are a plethora of roles available to investors ages 2-70. A great number of the roles include children who have pageant experience and their own glitz wardrobe. Filming will begin in Indianapolis in November, Atlanta in December and Des Moines in January. Additional locations may be added if needed. The film will be shown on the film festival circuit during the 2015-2016 season - including, but not limited to, Wild Rose Film Festival, River's Edge Film Festival, Chicago Film Festival, Heartland Film Festival and several more. This comedy is like nothing that has ever been done and will surely be an instant cult classic.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This movie films BEFORE I am slated to be a Producer on the feature length film, "Legend: The Bob Marley Story", June 2015 in Jamaica. NOW is your opportunity to work on my personal pet project, before I become a raving success through my work on three much higher budgeted films with Da Vinci Film Works.
(Inside Extra Sample Preview)
There you go, my hard pitch for the easiest way to break into the movies as an actor. I've never plugged my projects so hard for funding until this blog post, but that's just how dedicated I am to the cause! Four years of planning and the time is NOW! So, get on the stick and join me in my personal project, "Inside Extra" the movie.
Until Next Time,
Heather Ryan
The Ultimate Talent Mentor
Find me here on IMDb